Commodity Juicery
3975 Fraser St, Vancouver, BC V5V 4E5
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Editor’s Pick
Best Vancouver juice bars for a summertime smoothie

Best Vancouver juice bars for a summertime smoothie

Ask for the Strawburst smoothie at Commodity Juicery and you won’t be disappointed! This bright berry smoothie will put a smile on your face thanks to its sweet and delicious mix of strawberry, banana, cinnamon, coconut and dates. Smoothies here are also available in bowl form, with four different options and flavours ranging from green matcha to tropical pineapple to golden banana with almond mylk. Smoothie bowls can be sprinkled with seeds and nuts and amped up with the addition of ginger or turmeric. The juice bar also offers a juice and food delivery program too; just check with Carissa.

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